b'InformeInforme is the newsletter title for LCI. Each brand has its own version and each is colour co-ordinated. The newsletters are used to communicate new ideas, product developments, technological breakthroughs and success stories. They can be sent to the existing customer base, potential new clients, market in uencers and the media. The brands have been established, loosely, along historical product areas. MCT deals with pellets and semi- nished products that are used in the manufacture of aperitif snacks and all the semolina ingredients from the corn mill (hominies, semolina,our). Westhove products are functionalours and cereal texture agents. Dafa is concerned with bakery ingredients: enzymes, milling compensators, improvers, mixes and premixes for the milling industry and manufacturers of bread, cakes and pastries. Sofalia covers the full range of foodbres made from corn, wheat, and oats. When a product has multiple applications, this consistent design approach links the separate corporate divisions, bene ting customers of more than one brand. Importantly, communicating in this way takes place without any loss of corporate identity. page 26'